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Showing posts from September 17, 2020

Indentations in Python

  INDENTATION : Indentation is nothing but giving proper spaces they are like {} braces don’t need to mention any {} braces to indicate a set of code or code so our compiler or interpreter need to understand from where to stop and where to continue again .our compilers or interpreters don’t know the order in which the statements of the code should be executed so we use indentations to specify compilers to execute them in order ** we all know that python is very easy and a simple language which means we don’t need to mention datatypes and syntaxes also will be very easy to understand when   compared to other languages but if you don’t give proper indentation   then it shows us hell, so we need to use proper indentation or else you will be ending up seeing that that “INDENTATION ERROR”   message . Ø   Actually, indentation is nothing but giving spaces before the statements Ø   Actually, we use tab or space for indentation in python, by default python uses 4 spaces which means a tab

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