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Showing posts from November 10, 2020

Computer Science

                                                                 Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay  From a slow start computers have developed speed and complexity through which they can process billions of information per second and solve problems beyond practical human range. The first computing began simply with the abacus , a rectangular series of beads mounted on rods, used from at least 1100 B.C for basic arithmetic.      Basically computer science is a study of computers and computing their theoretical and practical applications. As a discipline computer science covers a wide range of topics, from theoretical studies of algorithms ,computations and information to practical problems implementing computing systems in hardware and software.        During the Renaissance, innovators from Leonardo da vinci to Gottfried Leibniz and Blaise pascal designed or built machines that could add and subtract. But the 1800s saw the first machines that could translate programmed instructions,

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