variables,the name itself implies that a variable is something which can change. Variables are like containers for storing our data values in memory. we can change the data in variables, in python everything is an object and variables are like names given to the object, by labeling them we can easily access them. In other high level languages like C programming language, c++ programming language, and java programming language. etc., we need to declare the datatype of the variable , but in python it will automatically recognize the type of data you are storing in a variable. ** Remember that a variable is a name which is given to a value not to the memory. Declaring a variable is very easy you need to assign a value or a string using '=' operator. >>> p=9 >>> print(p) 9 Assigning a single value to multiple variables We can assign a single value to multiple variables. >>> a=b=c=56 >>> a 56 >>> b 56 >>> c 5...
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