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Computer Science

                                                                 Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay  From a slow start computers have developed speed and complexity through which they can process billions of information per second and solve problems beyond practical human range. The first computing began simply with the abacus , a rectangular series of beads mounted on rods, used from at least 1100 B.C for basic arithmetic.      Basically computer science is a study of computers and computing their theoretical and practical applications. As a discipline computer science covers a wide range of topics, from theoretical studies of algorithms ,computations and information to practical problems implementing computing systems in hardware and software.        During the Renaissance, inn...

E-mail and G-mail

Image by Muhammad Ribkhan from Pixabay E-mail In 1969 a company called Bolt Barenek and Newman won the contract to develop a communication network called ARPANET that would enable scientists and researchers to use each other's computer facilities. During it's development, an engineer named Ray Tomlinson(b. 1941) started to experiment with coding of two programs. SNDMSG allowed members of the same network to exchange messages among one another, whereas CPYNET allowed file transfers to occur between two separate networks. It occurred to Tomlinson that combining the two he would create a system that would make message transfer possible between different users of independent networks.             One of the most significant decisions made by Tomlinson was his choice of the symbol to separate the user's name from the host network name. It was a fairly logical choice, but one that revived the rather esoteric symbol and saved it from the brink of linguistic ...

Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)

  LCDs (liquid crystal display) are used in televisions, laptop computers and many portable electronic devices. In 1888 the properties of liquid crystals were first discovered by Friedrich Reinitzer. he was measuring the melting point of a cholesterol-based substance and noticed that it had two melting points: It melted at 293°F(145°C) to give a cloudy, glue like liquid, then again at 352°F(178°C) to give a clear liquid.     Otto Lehmann, an expert in crystal optics , studied these phases and found that the cloudy liquid had similar properties to the solid crystal. In the solid crystal the molecules are lined up neatly and in parallel.  In the cloudy liquid, the molecules can move around. However they tend to line up like in the solid crystal, reflecting light to appear cloudy. Lehmann named the liquid fliessende Kristalle, or liquid crystal.      In 1968 George Heilmeier led a group at the radio corporation of america to develop the first LCD. They us...

Indentations in Python

  INDENTATION : Indentation is nothing but giving proper spaces they are like {} braces don’t need to mention any {} braces to indicate a set of code or code so our compiler or interpreter need to understand from where to stop and where to continue again .our compilers or interpreters don’t know the order in which the statements of the code should be executed so we use indentations to specify compilers to execute them in order ** we all know that python is very easy and a simple language which means we don’t need to mention datatypes and syntaxes also will be very easy to understand when   compared to other languages but if you don’t give proper indentation   then it shows us hell, so we need to use proper indentation or else you will be ending up seeing that that “INDENTATION ERROR”   message . Ø   Actually, indentation is nothing but giving spaces before the statements Ø   Actually, we use tab or space for indentation in python, by default python us...


  Bitwise operators BITWISE OPERATOR:   BITWISE Operator in python are used to perform bitwise calculations on numbers (integers) Ø   The name itself suggests that something to do with binary format like bits. Ø   We cannot directly perform operations on integers so we need to convert them into binary format and then we need to do. Ø   Result will be in decimal format. Types of bitwise operators: Ø   Bitwise And - & Ø   Bitwise OR - | Ø   Bitwise NOT - ~ Ø   Bitwise xOR - ^ Ø   Bitwise right shift - >> Ø   Bitwise left shift - << 1.   Bitwise AND (&):   this operator returns 1 if both the values are 1 or else it returns 0           x        y       x&y    1       1         1    1     ...

Number System in Python

  Python generally supports integers, fractional values and complex numbers and we have data types for them like int for integers, float for fractional values, and complex for complex numbers, we can understand that but if our computer wants to perform certain operations on bits or some other operations then we need to convert them into some number systems like binary, octal, hexadecimal. These are the three different number systems. Number conversions are used in programming languages because we cannot directly use some operators like bit-wise operators, we need to convert decimals into binary and sometimes we need to convert binary format of a number to decimal, so we use number conversions there Actually, number conversions are done on 4 types 1.       Decimal 2.       Binary 3.       Octal 4.       Hexadecimal 1. Decimal to binary:      ...

Index in Python

  Generally, we add elements in lists, tuples and we delete items, insert elements etc but how can we do that, how can we access a particular element, this is done by using index number. PDF FOR  INDEX IN PYTHON   Ø   Index numbers are nothing but numbers which are given to elements in a list or tuple or array etc to access them. Ø   Index number starts with zero and ends with one less than the given number but For example  List = [1,5,8,13,24,31] 0  1  2  3   4   5 Ø   Each index refers to one element, as we know here the elements in the list are 6 but the maximum index will be 5 this is because index starts with zero so maximum index will always be one less than the length of list or tuple or array etc. ADVANTAGES in Python: Ø   It makes our work easier like we can easily delete the element we want to delete by just using its index number. Ø   There are lot of ways to print elements using ind...


First Calculator(C. 1000 B.C.E.) The early calculator instrument we know as the abacus consisting of wooden frame supporting wires or rods on which wooden beads slide from side to side . It was developed in Mesopotamia from a flat, sand-covered  stone counting board on which pebbles were moved. This aid to calculation was in use long before the adoption of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system and can be adapted to any numeral base. This type of calculator has a huge advantages over counting on the fingers of the hand because it can be used to record very large numbers accurately. The easiest type of abacus to understand is the modern western version that uses base of ten. Here each wire carries ten beads and represents a decade  unit i.e, one's, ten's, 100,1000 and so on. A number, say 617483 can be represented by positioning the respective number of beads on each wire against one side of the abacus. It is then a relatively easy task to add or subtract another number from...


python is basic language if you are new to programming  then better to start with python. Already we have discussed what is programming  and tips to start/learn programming   in one of my previous post. And python is fastest growing language in terms of developers and companies using it. Python can be used to make Web applications, Game development, machine learning, Data science etc.        So in this Techy Drift platform we will learn python. This tutorial is for Absolute beginners only who are new to programming. Here we will cover Syntax,concepts,and basics. I will show the programs execution through my own videos. So  guys let's get into the topic. PYTHON:- It is a Programming Language also an interpreted, Object oriented and High-Level Language. As we know that using python we can make wonders. Do you know why python is most important and famous ??  We  already  have c, c++, java etc but still python is very famous. ...

5 Tips to Learn Programming

                                                                                                              Hello Guys! Today I've brought some  important tips for you to learn programming languages. I think if you want to learn programming languages these tips are very helpful. I discovered these tips with a lot of research and my personal experience. Even  I am also learning programming  so I want to share those tips with you. let's begin our tips one by one. Before learning tips beginners should know what is a programming?  A program is a set of instructions that tells the computer to do some tasks which are given by humans. and the process of preparing these instructions is know...

Artificial Intelligence

Brief  note about Mechanical Computers:           It was 1835, the two disciplines was combined to create a "difference engine" by Charles Babbage capable of solving polynomial functions without having to use unreliable, hand calculated tables.         Despite generous government funding, Babbage sadly never fully finished his difference engine and the project abandoned in 1834. Babbage didn't stop thinking about computing. In 1835, Babbage has released designs for his "analytical engine," it is a device similar to the difference engine by using programmable punched cards  had many more potential functions that calculating polynomials.          The engine was never built but thousands of detailed diagrams produced by the Babbage.   In 1849, More efficient and similar difference engine created by the Babbage using the analysis form analytical engine. Engine no.2 was not built until 19...

Instagram Tips and Tricks

Get the Tips and Master the Social Network: As we know that Instagram is ruling the world, with the help of Instagram we can do business also you can use  to edit your photos without posting and you can schedule your posts also. So  here I’ll help you to get those tips. Zooming the Profile Pics without third party apps Actually, in our Instagram we can’t zoom others profile pictures even our profile picture also we cannot open so I'll tell you one trick for that 1.Go to no need to login here just enter the username that you want see the profile picture and go for search the account press full size then you will get the zoomed profile pic with clarity. Enable or Disable comments to your posts Of course, you can turnoff comments to your posts simply follow the below steps Open your Instagram account and select the post that you don’t want comments for that post press the 3 dots at top right of your post and...

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