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python is basic language if you are new to programming  then better to start with python. Already we have discussed what is programming  and tips to start/learn programming  in one of my previous post. And python is fastest growing language in terms of developers and companies using it. Python can be used to make Web applications, Game development, machine learning, Data science etc.
       So in this Techy Drift platform we will learn python. This tutorial is for Absolute beginners only who are new to programming. Here we will cover Syntax,concepts,and basics. I will show the programs execution through my own videos. So  guys let's get into the topic.


It is a Programming Language also an interpreted, Object oriented and High-Level Language. As we know that using python we can make wonders. Do you know why python is most important and famous ?? We  already  have c, c++, java etc but still python is very famous. some people   say python is a new language but the fact is java came in 1995 where areas python is  1989. It is easier than all languages like c, c++, java etc.Even in some colleges they are teaching python as a basic language.There are some companies which are using python for some features like Google,YouTube etc.  

Getting Started With Python:-

Go and check in YouTube we have many videos for installing Python and python IDLE . The stuff explained below will only work in python IDLE not in IDE's because to run in IDE we have a special rules for that.

  1. To add values use this operator "+".
  2. To subtract use "-"
  3. For multiplication use " * "
  4. For division use " / ", here you will get float type value i.e. decimals to get integer type value use "//".
  5. To get power values use " ** " i.e. 2**2 is read as 2 square i.e. 4 2**3 is read as 2 power 3 i.e. 8 ,  3**2 is read as 3 square i.e. 9  .
  6. As we know this is for division ' / '   and to get remainder we will use    " % "
  7. To write a strings we need to use single or double quotes Ex:-'prabha' or "prabha".
  8. No need to use semicolons at the end of the statements.
  9. For writing the string follow the video carefully.
  10. Use" print() "  to print statements.
  11. We need to use "  \ " in between prabha and 's to avoid errors because the quotes should be balanced in the statement Ex:-print('prabha\'s "computer"').
  12. To get a string two times use " + "  Ex:-'prabha'+'prabha'.
  13. To get a more than 2 times we have a separate trick i.e. use ' * ' with a number(here the number is how many times you want) before string. Ex:- 5*'bat'. the bat will print 5 times.
  14. At the end we used slash n(" \n ") actually it is for printing the string after the ' \n ' in new line but to avoid it we need to use " r " in the statement. 
     Ex:-print('c:\docs\nitin') ==>It is going to print 'c:\docs' in one line and 'itin' in another line to avoid it we will use ' r ' Ex:-print(r'c:\docs\nitin') ===> it is going to print 'c:\docs\nitin' in single line.

  If  any doubts and  suggestions  regarding the above topic, Use the below comment section .In the next session we will continue  with variables in python.

Go and check my instagram page to  learn Python



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