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Functions of Operating System

 Operating System is an interface between the user and the hardware and enables the interaction of a computer's hardware and software.

        Also, an operating system is software that performs all the basic functions of file management, storage management, process management, managing input and output, and controlling peripherals such as disk, drivers and printers.

Functions of Operating System

  • Device Management 
  • File Management
  • Memory Management
  • Process Management
  • Mastermind
  • Storage Management
  • Handling input/output operations
  • Security
Functions of Operating System

Device Management

        Operating system manages device communication via their respective drivers.
It does the following activities for device management:
  1. Keeps tracks of all devices, input/output controller is responsible for this task.
  2. Decides which process gets the device when and for how much time
  3. Allocates the device in an efficient way.
  4. De-allocates devices.

File Management

        The operating system allocates and de-allocates resources. It regulates which process gets the file and for what duration. Also, it keeps track of information, location,user status etc.
    The collective facilities are often known as a file system. operating system also performs tasks like:-
  1. Creating directories
  2. Creating files.
  3. Copying the files.
  4. Moving the files.
  5. Deleting files.
  6. Renaming files.

Memory Management

        It refers to the management of primary or main memory. The main memory provides fast storage, which can be accessed directly through the central processing unit(CPU).
        When the program is run and finished the memory area is freed up, which can be used for other programs equipped with computer memory, the fastest registers comes first, followed central processing unit cache, random access memory, and then disk storage.
        The  memory storage of the operating system coordinates the use of different types of memory, which should or should not be allocated and how to move data between them.

Process Management

        Every program running on a computer is a process, whether in the background or on the front-end. The operating system is responsible for performing multiple task at once. It allocates the CPU that is the processor to the process. De-allocates the processor when processing is not required. Keeps track of the status of the processes. The operating system is responsible for protection and security in connection with process management.


        Master mind is a term that we can use correctly for the operating system.
reason- The operating system performs many functions, which can only be done by a super-intelligent mind, hence the term mastermind.
  1. Operating system provides booting without an operating system.
  2. Provides facility to increase the logical memory of the computer system by using the physical memory of the computer system.
  3. Operating system controls the errors that have been occurred into the program.
  4. Provides recovery of the system when the system gets damaged.
  5. Operating system breaks the large program into the smaller programs those are also called as the threads and execute those threads one by one.

Storage Management 

        The operating system controls all storage operations. Some of these are how to store data or files on computer and how users can access files. The operating system is responsible for storing and accessing the files. Creating files, creating directories, read the files , write the files, read the directories data. write directories data and copy the contents of files and directories data and copy the contents of files and directories from one place to another.

Handling Input/Output Operations

        The operating system is responsible for managing all types of inputs from the keyboard, mouse, desktop etc. The operating system does all the right interfacing in the most optimal way to regarding all types of inputs and outputs. The input/output subsystem consists of drivers for specific hardware devices.


        Computer security is a very important factor in any operating system. The reliability of an operating system depends on how well it provides us with security. Modern operating system use firewalls for security. A firewall is a security system that monitors every activity that takes place on a computer and blocks that activity in the event of any threat.


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